treats flash

bargain treat hunting in SF

since its obvious I am in this moped gang called TREATS gang and we like to eat TREATS it was with great excitement today I discovered this website that was having a sale and their coupon code was, um, “treats”.  In keeping with the great spirit o treats and eating ourselves into comas, this existence on affordable moped parts and succulent tasty treats at inconceivable prices, I have to admit I really like coupons and sales.  If you’ve shopped at this store, oh whats it called? or something? you’ll know we like coupons, discounts, deals, sales, bargains and anything else even remotely similar.  so while I am hesitant to inform you cause this treatin scam does have its numerous lines of fine print, I felt it my duty to reveal a secret of fine treatin in SF. lets say for instance you wanted to go to the roosevelt tamale parlor for lunch with your lover, because oh my the treats there are amazing, but ya got no cash? or maybe you want a senegalese feast? or a sumptuous afghan banquet to remind you of long ago unrequited love…here is my advice to you, go to this website, find this aforementioned tamale parlor, buy a $15 coupon for $10, use the coupon code “treats”  which is an 80% off coupon (b quick) and watch that $10 turn to $2. note its for lunch only, and minimum purchase of $15 (don’t forget to tip dummies). so run yer bill up to $15 on treats,no liquors girls, and you’ll pay $7+tip. and there you have a delicious half price treat fest.  be careful of all the fine print, don’t click on anything funny (use paypal for safety), and be alert, like yer on a battlefield or running a pyramid scheme or makin a deal for 2000 fake rolex watches in an alley off 6th st at 3am with some zombies.  Then you have a happy lover, a full belly, more money to spend on moped parts and well the day seems a little sunnier doesn’t it all of a sudden. if ya fuck it up, yer a sucker.  myself I stocked up on like $200 worth of coupons to take all my lovers and friends and stuff them for like $17. score.  there’s like a million lame restaurants, a few dreamy ones n be quick cause the 80% coupon won’t last for long n read the fine print again ya? or else.  not a coupon for treatland, but a coupon for treats this week my loves.  happy treating my sf darlings. oh i guess elsewhere to, and again don’t blame me if ya get scammed, my belly will be full and i don want ya to kill my high.  man i love coupons, i have the hugest stack for rainbow 20% off yeahh!  ok maybe a real treatland coupon someday again, one day perhaps, in the meantime prepare for a brief missive and photo fun from rufus and enjoy this photo of what treat gnomes do at night.